May the Current be with you

Our Best Guppies For Sale (Poecilia Reticulata) & Exotic Endlers Livebearers (Poecilia Wingei) also known as "fancy guppies", "endler guppies" and "endler guppy hybrids" are all unique members of the ancient Poecilia genus which are types of resilient livebearing fish that have existed on planet earth for over 500,000 years. Although the guppies & endlers livebearers in our aquariums have more in common than they do differences, there are distinctions in body shape, size & even behavior between males and females. Despite these variances, guppies & endlers livebearers both share a peaceful community fish demeanor, prolific nature, vast genetics, range of colors, patterns, tail shapes, and complex social behaviors most comparable to fully sexually addicted humans. With all of these Amazing observable qualities, it's easy to see why rare fancy guppies & exotic endlers livebearers are the most popular aquarium fish to breed, buy & sell in this solar system today. guppies for sale.